Chilli Boy has traveled far and wide. His customers have ordered from Los Angeles in the USA to other side of the world, Pataya in Thailand. Chilli Boy warms the souls of friends on the ski slopes of France and challenges the spicy heat of India from the Taj Mahal. Chilli Boy travels with his lovers of heat to add flavour to the already wonderful dishes of Rome and the Maldives. In South Africa and Swaziland Chilli Boy lovers look forward to the day when they will be traveling again to buy their stock of Chilli Boy. In Germany Chilli Boy has sent photographs home of faire tale castles in Wales, England and Scotland Chilli Boy spices up many a boring Hamburger at the Rubgy games. Here at home in the Algarve you will find Chilli Boy on many restaurant table, and if you don’t ……………………ask why?